What is PCO (polycystic ovary syndrome)?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is an important ovulation problem in women. This problem can be seen in one of every 5 women in the society.
The two ovaries in the female body develop a mature egg available for fertilization in each menstrual period. This egg completes its development and maturation in a fluid-filled sac called “Follicle”. In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, many eggs try to mature at the same time but fail to do so. After all, there are many eggs, but none of them are capable of developing and fertilizing.
Approximately 20% of women who apply to IVF centers with the aim of having children have ovulation problems. The leading cause of ovulation problems is a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Especially if a woman has irregular menstruation, there is an increase in hair growth and her weight is above normal, this syndrome should be strongly suspected and the situation should be clarified by performing the necessary examinations, ultrasounds and tests.
How is the disease treated?
While planning the treatment, first of all, these patients should be ensured to reach their ideal weight under the supervision of a dietitian. If necessary, “Metformin” drug therapy, which is used in diabetics to break insulin resistance, can be used in this period. As a result of medical treatment and weight loss, menstruation can improve significantly, and pregnancy can sometimes occur spontaneously after the ovulation problem disappears. However, if menstrual irregularity continues after these procedures, drugs that stimulate ovulation and hormone injections can be applied. As a result of these follow-ups, it is tried to create pregnancy by suggesting normal intercourse from the eggs developed or by the vaccination method. If pregnancy cannot be achieved with follow-up and vaccination, it is recommended to switch to in vitro fertilization method.